

I was taking a look at some of the pictures I have taken throughout the semester, and I couldn't help but notice that peeling the top layer off to give contrast to the roads was one of the best decisions we have made as a whole this entire semester. Take a look:

It is like day and night. Our model has about as much contrast as our studio class does. I know there has been much 'compromise' and 'discourse' among our class over the past few weeks, but it has not always been really tense. Take a look at the pics from the day we were choosing the colors for the houses and commercial buildings. We all look pretty high on life:

Here are all of us agreeing on the color of paint. Finally, something is agreed upon! This is also one of my favorite pictures too. I know that we are all excited to get on with this project and start on our own design; I just hope that we ALL realize this whole year is going to be a collaboration. I just hope we can all get along for another 7 or 8 months!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! In the earlier photo of the model, it looks like we used CREAM-colored matboard! I like it!